Cindy and I have changed the design of the master bath shower and the carpenters should finish that change, the new wall near the guest suite, and the boxing in above the built-in’s next to the fireplace this Friday or early next week. We believe these are the last changes.
Today Cindy has been trying to get a deliver date from the window guy on the windows that they made incorrectly. That has been a challenge, but the delivery date is now this Friday. We’ll see.
Then she tried calling the gas company and the rep there was rude to her and simply told her that she need to have her contractor get the initial gas service and would not give her any more information about how to do that.
Then she called the US postal service about getting mail to the new address and the person just said, “Well submit and change of address and it will just happen.” But we are not moving yet. “Well just do a temporary one and then change is back.” Sure, can you imagine how messed up our mail would be if we did that! So I ordered a trial subscription to Better Homes and Gardens and put the address of the new house. We will see if any magazines get delivered. We already sent ourselves a Christmas card and it never arrived nor did it get returned to us. Who knows where it is.
So Cindy was a bit frustrated with customer service people today. I did find a place on the gas company web site where builders request new service. So I put in Mentor Custom Homes and the company and our apartment address as the contact information and sent off the request. I assume that someone will contact me to get the details. Who knows, we may get to the house one day and find a gas line has been run.
Such is the life of building your own home.
Cheers, Steve
Steve Aughinbaugh
Manager, Plano Engineering Sustaining
McAfee, MS 3S099
5000 Headquarters Drive
Plano, Texas 75024
972-963-7496 (office)
972-989-6770 (cell)